August 02, 2012

Writer's Corner: Will of the Soul, part 1

This is the beginning of a sci-fi concept about the "before-life"...look for more parts to come in Writer's Corner.

All the souls were aware of the great Existence above them. They had no eyes to see, but sensed something greater and more complex than one another.

Some of the souls moved at the speed of light; some much faster. Each danced and swayed to a unique rhythm. One was pale pink while another was azure. Some many colors at once, while others switched at random. None knew where they came from or what was to come. In fact the sense of time hadn’t been instilled in them yet.

The Soul called Hollis was orange and red, all the illuminating shades of existence. This soul was no more special than the others. It vibrated and swayed, as did the others, on its own accord.

The Soul found itself alone. Its colors continued to burn amber, lemon and rose. The Soul was curious but not unsettled by being alone with the great Existence.

The Soul waited for a long time in the company of the Existence. The Soul took comfort in the Existence.

The Existence did not shine with colors but with a boldness. The Soul knew that whatever happened next would be because of the Existence.

For the first time the Soul was aware of itself. And the Soul looked at the great Existence.

The Soul chose to put its attention on the Existence, asking it, "What has transpired."

The boldness of the Existence grew as it acknowledged the Soul's question. After a long time Existence responded. "You have become a Soul."

The Soul knew this to be true. The Existence communicated further. There was a spark of infinite energy. As it grew, the spark began to take shades of brightness. After a while the shades became more distinct. Then they broke off of their own accord. They were of the same, but distinct.

Now that the Soul knew where it came from, it wanted to know what was next.

"This is what I will. I want to be the brightest of light among the sparks."

After a while the Existence acknowledged the Soul's will. And the Soul communicated again. "This is what I will: to add to the wonder of the sparks.

Then the Existence spoke, and time was born for the Soul:

"Your will has been created, and it shall be followed."

to be continued...



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